crazy comics
crazy comics
crazy comics
crazy comics
crazy comics

The EnD of the Sinkling

Crazy Comics “ The SINKLING” is another short surreal adventure in stream of consciousness. This tale follows our nondescript protagonist as he attempts to find peace in meditation. As time passes, to be blunt, he dies and turns into a skeleton. Fortunately or otherwise it turns out he didn't actually spend his life in the lotus position but is actually still pondering the possibilities for his future. The next moment he finds himself watching his self sink into the ground suggesting that mediation or otherwise there is no escaping the (quick) sands of time. At any rate this revelation helps him neet an attractive woman of more or less the same age and economic position so they decide to laugh at the misfortunes of others while life passes on and on until they both, to put it bluntly...die. The End

This entire story ( like almost all of my drawings) was made in a single session directly with ink and absolutely no script or preliminary work of any kind. I just took my little sketch book to a cafe one morning and started drawing. When I start working I often come up with a little idea, theme or sentence to inspire me but for this comic I literally dove in blindly. It always amazes me how these experiments turn out. Whether they bring out my deep rooted unconscious hatred for existence or help me find new joy in life somehow these free association tests always end up making some sort of sense. I can remember the morning I made this. I was drinking coffee with a friend and we were both silently involved in our own little projects. Me with my sketch pad and she with her laptop. My train of thought was affected by both our camaraderie and by our surroundings. I can't recall specifics but I do remember my friend making several connections between “The Sinkling” and our surroundings when she read it. “This reminds of those people at that both and this is like that other couple..” and so on. It was really interesting to see how in tune we all our with our surroundings and how we are all basically picking up on the same stories, or maybe not.